Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Incoming Text: ur arestd, booya

While deciphering the inner working of my fellow classmate's blog, bluntly titled American Government, I found a much needed regulation on the texting-while-driving fiasco. Senators are attempting to pass a bill to ban texting while driving. OMFG!!!
I personally have started enforcing this law on my own time by slapping any of my friends foolish enough to text while driving my precious cargo around town. However, sometimes this just results in a fist fight while driving which can potentially be more dangerous than texting while driving, so I understand the need for the bill.
I remember late one night while driving home from a certain nocturnal escapade I found a car in front of me lazily listing about the road. Assuming that they were far drunker than I, I kept my distance and cursed the low tolerance of foolish high schoolers. However, when I pulled alongside said worthless person I found a highschooler- expected, texting with both hands on his phone perched atop his steering wheel- disgusted surprise. I wanted to get out of my car and beat him with his own phone, but he drove away and I drove home to eat an entire family size bag of Doritos, angrily.
Ban texting while driving and beat whoever gets caught doing it, or at least give them a fine. Not only is it dangerous, but it is annoying.

1 comment:

hwong said...

Bluntly? you don't know How long and how much creativity it took to make that name.