Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Term: Obama Drama

Oh, how I despise awful catchphrases. "Yes we can", the slogan that drove Obama through the election is coming back to wreck havoc for the not obviously stellar start of our new young President who could use a little bit of time adjusting. T-shirts and trinkets labelled with "No he can't" and "Audacity of Hype" have been selling like hotcakes according to the Financial Times.
Strange how the sentiments of Americans change after just a few months. The undying love and faith for the new President has transformed into the cynicism of the new President who is not instantly fixing all the problems that America has. Maybe, we, as Americans, should treat Obama a little less as the golden boy and more like the young inexperienced President that he is and adjust our expectations accordingly.
However, as the President, the world is expected of Obama and maybe these attacks from the cheap seats will act as a reality check that America desperately needed after assuming that all we had to do was elect young Obama to make America all better with a wave of the 'change wand'. I just hope America is a little better at the end of these four years than when we started off.

1 comment:

hwong said...

From what I've heard is that Obama is a magical genie from Arabia, he was summoned by the will of the American public to make America the top dog again, unfortunatley, this is not a land of rosy-cheeked fairy tales, this is real life, In fairy tales, when the story ends, everyone lives happily ever after, however Obama isn't a magical creature from the world of wizardry
, he's just a normal person that people, Obama used magic words like "hope" and "change" to attract voters, Obama simply told everyone what they wanted to hear, that change would happen to America and all of the sudden, Obama is hailed as the chose one, the one to save the sinking ship named America, but when people that Obama isn't a magical genie, they turn cynical, like rats escaping from a sinking ship they wondered why they voted for Obama in the first place if they couldn't get immediate results, and just like the former president Bush after a successful campaign,then a short honeymoon, the american public starts to have their doubts about there new leader, following the realization that the new president is in fact not a messiah, approval ratings drop, citizens grow less content with the new leader and people wonder why they voted for the new president in the first place, add a political scandals, unneeded bills and laws and/or a love affair, and you have yourself a dissatisfied public.

In the end, I suppose its our fault, we a elect our leaders in the first place.